
DUE TODAY: Blitz Contacts Must Be Uploaded to Mobi

Mon, 14 Sep 2015
from 8:00am to 9:00am

by Melissa Freeman
Posted: over 9 years ago
Updated: over 9 years ago by Melissa Freeman
Visible to: public

Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: Starting time
Ends: 09:00am (duration is about 1 hour)

Memo to Players & Parents

Subject: Instructions for Super Fan Program

As we prepare for our upcoming season, one of the most important things we will do is raise money for our program. With state and district budget cuts, it is more necessary than ever for us to raise the money needed to fund equipment, uniforms and other critical things.

In a few days, we will execute one of our key projects, the Super Fan List blitz. It will only take our members one hour to perform this fundraiser, but it has the potential for us to do very well. Members will invite their support circle to be their “Fan” on their online profile page in exchange for a donation to our program. Donors can leave a message of support on the members profile page. See FAQ on the back.

To prepare for the blitz, I am asking each member to do the following homework assignment this week. Parents, your help is requested with the completion of this assignment. My expectations and the deadline for the assignment are listed below.

Please note that the names you add to your account WILL NOT be sold or given to any other person or party, nor will they be used for any other purpose but this project. Thank you for your participation and assistance. If you have any problems logging into your player account please email for assistance.

Your Goal: minimum of 15 adult potential fan contacts
Your Deadline: Monday Sep 14th

Follow these Instructions:
1. Access on desktop NOT mobile, and click “Sign In” in the upper right corner
2. Use the following credentials to login to your account:
a. Username= firstnamelastname as listed in the roster from TeamApp (no spaces, so Stacy Brown is stacybrown)
b. Password= firstinitiallastname (no spaces, so sbrown)
c. click blue “login” button when complete
3. Click “SFL Menu” in upper right corner
3a. if do not see sfl menu then check spelling in the “roster” menu to see how your name is listed…stacey vs stacy
4. Enter the player’s email address and one parent’s email address, then save
5. Click “Add New Contact” and begin entering the information
6. When complete your 15 contacts select “pledge contacts” and then select gray button “download printable report for blitz night”
7. Print excel report and turn into your assigned coach by your deadline date


1. Why are we doing this?
We have to do fundraising every year to help our program acquire the things we need to be successful. The money your person raises will go directly to items that will benefit them.

2. What are our goals?
We need each player to enter 15 names of adults that follow them. These can be relatives or friends, and they can live near or far. If we achieve this, then we expect to exceed 7 pledges per player. This will result in almost $300 pledged per player.

3. How does this work?
Today you are asked to enter 15 names into the account. In a few days, we will conduct a 40 minute telethon wherein we will call the people on the list. We will invite them to be a “Fan” on their profile page. Every member this year will have a profile page accessible via the Internet. Those who donate will be listed as Fans on that page. They will also have the opportunity to write a message of encouragement, and that message will appear on the profile page.

Immediately after the telethon, pledge results will be entered into the system, causing those who have pledged to receive an email and text with instructions on processing their donation and entering in their message. To see the results of these messages after our telethon, go to and use your credentials to see pledge and donation results as well as messages.

4. How do people pay, and how long do they have?
Our preference is for people to pay online with their credit card. The transactions are protected by credit card and PayPal, the leader in online payment processing. Alternatively, instructions will be provided for those who wish to pay by check. However, those folks won’t be able to leave a personal message on the player’s page unless special instructions are given to the coach.

5. Will the contact information be used for any other purpose?
Absolutely not. We will not share or sell the contact information to any party.

6. Can I simply write you a check for $400 so my child does not have to participate?
While you can certainly do this if you choose, please understand that part of the intent here is to build team camaraderie. By working together on a common goal, we grow as a team. I would like everyone to be at the event and encourage their teammates.