
Tech Assignment

Thu, 27 Aug 2015
from 4:00pm to 6:00pm

by Samantha Fields
Posted: almost 9 years ago
Updated: over 8 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: Starting time
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

4-4:30 Get crews started
4:30-5:00 Design meeting, Team Leaders and crews may continue working through this meeting
5-6: return to crews and give notes to team leaders. Continue working with crews
5:40-Clean work area

1. Focus on group projects
Group A: Focus on Bridges
Group B: Focus on WOZ lair
Group C: Focus on Wagon
Other: Work on S.S. Platform
2. Due today: Beautician Chair with castors
3. Design meeting, crews will work through this meeting.

1. Mark lights on electrics
2. Begin hanging electrics
3. Due today: Hanging on cat should be completed
4. Design meeting, crews will work through this meeting

1. continue training
2. Due today: All sounds

1. Continue gathering props for next week
2. Design meeting
3. Due today: Status on all Act 1 props