
Tech Assignments

Mon, 24 Aug 2015
from 4:00pm to 6:00pm

by Samantha Fields
Posted: almost 9 years ago
Updated: over 8 years ago by Samantha Fields
Visible to: public

Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 30 minutes before
Ends: 06:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

1. Shop safety
2. Using basic tools and shop organization
3. Overview of design
4. Running crew
5. Group Assignments:
A- Begin building bridges (due: 9/3/15)
B- Begin building WOZ lair (due:TBA)
C- Begin building wagon (due: 9/3/15)
6. TeamApp and google doc. SET ASIDE 15-20 MINUTES FOR CLEANING

1. Safety
2. Basic introduction to instruments and technology (board)
3. Hanging process
4. Hands on examples
5. Design and plot overview
6. Booth conduct
7. Running crew
8. google docs and TeamApp

1. Cue sheet
2. introduction to board
3. Gathering sound
4. Running crew
5. Booth conduct
6. Mic storage, organization, and care
7. TeamApp and google doc.


1. Prop shop organization
2. Running crew
3. Gathering process
4. TeamApp and google doc.
5. Gather props: props needed for this rehearsal are due today.
6. Please refer to google docs for props that are due this week.

If we do not have these props you must have a status on them
Example: We are borrowing (specific prop) from (specific person or place), and we will have it by (specific date that is very close).